Lately, I have been playing with the make up that I have. And also, I've been watching make up gurus once again. I started watching make up tutorials when Michelle Phan was just starting to get famous. You know, when she used to film in her room and with her then signature background music and very calm voice. I still love her, it's just that, since I went back watching make up tutorials few months back, I noticed how she changed! In a good way, of course. I am so happy for her! Anyway, enough of Michelle and back to me and my make up. lol. I do not have so much, but I think I have a lot for someone who claims that she's not into make up! Especially lipsticks. So the main reason why I went back to watching Michelle Phan and started watching other gurus is because of the stuff that my Aunt gave me. I do not want to put those make up into waste, so I thought, why not give it a try! Ha! I started to really use make up in college, but it had to be minimal or else, Siste...