Cafe Adriatico with Bestfriends

Jessica, Ymel and Me I know quite a lot of people but there are only few whom I consider as my close friends. I am so blessed to have met Jessica and Ymel, my best friends in the whole world! We've been best friends for eleven years now. We were all there when a first experience each other's first love and first heartbreak! Hahaha! We may not hang out every week but we always get in touch via facebook, twitter and/or sms! When we get together, it always feels like the time we allotted with each other is not enough. We understand each other best. We can finish each other's sentences. We can be brutally honest with each other. I love these two girls so so much! Two weeks ago (late post again,lol), we had this send off dinner for her. As of this moment, she's already in Jeddah, nursing sick people there. I am happy for her because she finally gets to practice her profession again, but it's just sad because we are going to miss her here again! I'm g...