Anthony & Kay's Wedding

One of my friends from my first job got married last December 5. I know, I know. Super duper late post. I lost my drive to blog, again. But here I am again. Finally posting an update. Well anyway, back to Kay and her wedding. I was not able to start the wedding ceremony because I came from work, but I witnessed the wedding kiss! I am so happy for her and Anthony! Kay was my team leader when we were still working for the same company. I am so glad that even though we haven't been hanging out ever since we left the company, she still invited me (along with 3 others) to her wedding. Although she already mentioned that she was going to invite us, it still touched me that she really did! It only means I've been a good friend, right? HAHA! The wedding ceremony was held at Malate Church and reception followed at Ramon Magsaysay Hall, just few blocks away. I really am getting old. I got really teary eyed when they kissed! Awww moment right thurrr. Haha! If I witne...