Not Just Things, Also Feelings.

For the first time in years, I am actually writing on my blog again. I decided that from now on, I will go back to my first love. I will blog when I'm happy and even when I am not. Abbie, one of my favorite bloggers of all time, said that it's very important to STOP blogging for the readers. And I agree. I know that the reason why I wasn't blogging regularly was because I felt like those things that I wanted to blog weren't good enough. I was so worried about the content. I forgot the main reason why I started my own blog back in 2008 -- to document my life so one day I can look back at it and see how far I've become, so I can share my stories with other bloggers.

So, here I am again. Doing my best to be back at blogging not just about places and things, but also about feelings. 


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